Monday 16 November 2015

Remembering Kartar Singh Sarabha

 Remembering Kartar Singh Sarabha on His 100th

                           Martyrdom   Day(16 Nov, 2015)

Revolutionary Kartar Singh, the great devotee of Bellona, the goddess of war, was not even twenty years old when he sacrificed himself on the altar of goddess of freedom. He appeared like a storm from somewhere, ignited the flame of revolution and tried to wake up the sleeping Bellona. He blazed the holy yajna of revolution and became himself an offering for the same. Who was he? From what world did he suddenly appear? And where did he go? We were awestruck. Such courage, self confidence, and dedication are rarely found. Few persons have been born in India who can be called revolutionary in true sense of the word. Kartar Singh's name comes at the top among these few. Revolution lived in his veins. There was only one aim of his life, only one desire; only one hope all that held meaning in his life was revolution.Kartar Singh was born in Sarabha, a village in district Ludhiana, in 1896. He was the only son of his parents. He was still very young when his father died. His grandfather brought him up with great care. After passing the ninth grade, he went to Orissa to live with his uncle. He completed his high school and began college while there. It was the year 1910, 1911, when he had the opportunity to read a lot of books outside the narrow range of school or college text books. This was also the time of nationalist movement. It was this political environment that aroused the feeling of patriotism in him. Itwas then that he decided that he must travel to America.

The family did not have any opposition to that. He arrived in San Francisco in 1912. Having arrived in the "free nation" his tender heart was subjectedto blows and humiliation at every step. He would be very upset when he heard himself being called a damn Hindu or black man by the whites. Atevery step he felt his country's dignity and respect in jeopardy. With the constant memory of home, he also visualized India helplessand in chains.His tender heart began to harden gradually and his determination to sacrifice his life for the freedom of country began to become firm.It was impossible for him to remain calm. The question began to haunt him. How would the country become free if peaceful means failed? Withoutwasting much time in thinking, he began to organize Indian labourers. Passion for freedom began to grow in them. He would sit with a worker for hoursand explain to him how death is thousand times preferable to life of slavery filled with humiliation. Many persons joined him when the workprogressed. A special meeting of these people took place in May 1912. A few selected Indians attended that meeting. All of them took vow to dedicatetheir mind, body and wealth for the freedom of their country. Meantime the exiled Punjabi patriot Bhagwan Singh reached there. Meetings began to take place in a great number. 

Part 2 
Intensive teaching became the name. Work was increased. The file was prepared. Then the need for a paper was felt. A paper named Gadar waslaunched. Its first issue was published in November 1913. Kartar Singh was also a member of its editorial board. His pen was very powerful. Membersof the editorial board printed the paper on a hand press. Kartar Singh was a carefree young man who loved revolution. Whenever he was tired runningthe press, he would sing: 

Serving ones country is very difficult 
It is so easy to talk 
Anyone who walked on that path 
Must endure millions of calamities 

The dedication with which Kartar Singh worked gave courage to all others. Whether anyone else knew how to make India free or not, whether any one else ever thought about it or not, Kartar Singh had given a lot of thought. In the meantime he joined an institute in New York to learn how to fly a plane and began his mission there wholeheartedly.In September 1914 Kamagata Maru ship had to return without unloading its human cargo after its passenger suffered indescribable tortures at the hand of the imperialist whites. So Kartar Singh along with Kranti Priya Gupta and an American anarchist named Jack went to Japan. He met Baba GurditSingh in Kobe and held consultations with him. 

From Yugantar Ashram, San Francisco, copies of Gadar, Ghadar di gunjiand many other publications were printed and distributed regularly.Propaganda was increasing every day. Enthusiasm kept in the air. In a public meeting held in Stockton in February 1914, Indian freedom flag was unfurled. Oaths for freedom and equality were taken. Kartar Singh was one of the main speakers in this meeting. All the people present there declared that they would all their had earned money to the struggle for country’s freedom. Suddenly the news from Europe came that the World War I had started. They were overjoyed. In a one voice they sang "Let's return to wage a war for the country", which became the last words and orders. Kartar Singh forcefully advocated for returning to India. Then he himself sailed for Colombo (Sri Lanka). In those people returning from America andgoing to Punjab were quite often safely. But Kartar Singh did. He dedicated himself to the Party wholeheartedly. They lacked organization. Some how that was created. In December young Maratha revolutionary Vishnu Ganesh Pingle also reached India. Through their efforts Shachindra Nath Sanyaland Ras Behari also came to Punjab. Kartar Singh was everywhere if there was a secret meeting in Moga, he was there, next day, message was to be spread among the students in Lahore, and he would be the first to be there. Next, the efforts were being made to have an alliance with Ferozepur Cantonments soldiers or there was a need to go to Calcutta for acquiring the arms. He would go everywhere. But there was no money. For that KartarSingh suggested armed robbery. Many of his colleagues were dumbfoundedat the suggestion. He asked them not to worry, told them that even Bhai Parmanand is in favor of robberies. He was given the job to confirm this assertion. Next day he told his colleagues that he had asked him and had his consent. He could not bear the thought that due to the lack of finances, there should be a delay in launching a revolution. 

One day, they went to a village for the purpose of carrying out a robbery. Kartar Singh was their leader. While robbery was in progress, there was a beautiful young woman in the house. Seeing her heinous thought came in the mind of a sinner. He forcefully grabbed the woman by the hand. The woman shrieked out of fear. Kartar Singh immediately took out his pistol, reach that person, and place the pistol on his forehead, disarmed him and shouted, "You wretched man, your crime is very serious, you should be punished to die for that. But the circumstances force us to forgive you. But you fall on the feet of this woman, ask her forgiveness by saying, my sister, forgive me please. Then forgiveness for this fall of mine, If they forgive you,we will let you remain alive, otherwise you shall be shot dead." He obliged. The matter had not gone too far.Seeing this, eyes of the mother and her daughter were filled with tears. In an affectionate tone the mother said to Kartar Singh, "Son, you seem in such a heinous work? Kartar Singh was deeply moved. He said, "Mother, we are not doing this because of greed for money. In money for arms. How else can we get that? Mother, we have been forced to do this for the great goal (of India’s freedom)." It was a very painfully moving scene. The mother spoke again, "We have to marry this girl away. It would be nice if you could leave some for that." Kartar Singh placed all the money before the mother and said, "Take whatever you want." The mother took some money, placed the rest in the bag of Kartar Singh and gave him blessings, "Go, my son,may you succeed in your mission." This episode shows that even when Kartar Singh was involved in such a dangerous job as robbery, his heart remained pure filled with pious thoughts and emotions. 

Preparation was made for revolt to take place in February 1915. In the first week (of Feb. 1915) he along with Pingle and some other friends went to Agra, Kanpur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Meerut and other places to meet people and consult them about the coming revolt. Finally the day for which they waited so long was drawing near. February 21, 1915 was the day fixed for launching the revolt all over India. All preparations were being made according to that. But at the same time a rat was sitting at the root of the tree of their hopes branches was nibbling at it. Four or five days before (the appointed date) it was suspected that everything would be ruined because of the betrayal by Kirpal Singh. Because of that suspicion Kartar Singhasked Rash Behari Bose to change the date of the revolt to February 19 instead of 21. Even after doing that Kirpal Singh came to know this. The result of the presence of one traitor within the revolutionary group was dangerous and grave. Ras Behari Bose and Kartar Singh had no real way to keep their plans secret. The misfortune of India can be the only reason for all this. 

Kartar Singh reached Ferozepur with his fifty or sixty colleagues according to the place. He met with his friend soldier Havaldar and talked to himabout the revolt. But Kirpal Singh had already spoiled everything. Indian soldiers were disarmed. Arrests were made on a mass scale. Havaldar refused to help. Efforts of Kartar Singh were unsuccessful. He went to Lahore disappointed. The pace of arrests all over Punjab was quickened. Friends beganto leave them. In this situation Ras Behari Bose lay in a house in Lahore in depression. Kartar Singh too came there and lay down on another cot with his back toward Ras Behari Bose. They did not say a word to each other, but silently understood that agony of each other’s heart. How can we even imagine what they were going through? Our destiny remained to hit out heads against the gate. But we could not have the means to try our destiny. 

Their only desire was that the way would prolong and they arrived in barrack number 5 near Sargodha and talked about the revolt again. There they were caught. They were chained. Fearless revolutionary Kartar Singh was brought to Lahore (police) Station. He told the police chief there, "Mr.Tomkin, how about some food??" He was so full of life. Friends and foes were equally impressed with his mesmerizing personality happy to see him.He was happy at the time of his arrest. He often said, "Let me be given a title of revolutionary after I die bravely with courage. Let people remember me as revolutionary Kartar Singh." The trial proceeded. He was only eighteen and a half at that time. He was the youngest defendant. But the judge wrote about him, "he is one of the most dangerous among the defendants. During his stay in America and then in India there is not a single part of this conspiracy in which he has not played an important role." 

One day his turn came to testify. He admitted everything. He kept delivering his revolutionary testimony. The judge kept looking at him pressing his pen between his teeth. He did not write a single word. Later he said only this much, "Kartar Singh, as yet your testimony has now been recorded.Please give your testimony lead to? Eye witnesses tell us that Kartar Singh replied to the judge in a carefree tone, "you can only hang me, what morecan you do? We are not afraid of that." That concluded the court proceedings for the day. The next day again began with the testimony of Kartar Singh. Many judges thought the day before that Kartar Singh was speaking on the instructions of Bhai Permanent. They were unable to reach the depth of revolutionary Kartar Singhs heart. Kartar Singhs testimony was more forceful, more vigorous and like the previous day it admitted everything. In the end he said, "What sentence will I receive for my crime? Life sentence or death/. I would prefer death, so that I could be born again as long as the India does not become free I would be born again and again and would be hanged for my country. This is the only last wish I have." 

Judges were very impressed by his bravery. But like an enemy with big heart they did not call his bravery as bravery but remembered him with shameless words. Not only they showered abuses on Kartar Singh, but gave him the sentence to be hanged. He smiled and thanked the judges. Kartar Singh was locked in his death cell. His grandfather came to see him. He said, "Kartar Singh, people for whom you are giving your life useabusive language for you. It does not also seem that the country will benefit from death. Kartar Singh asked him very softly, "Dadaji, where is (such and such) relative of ours?" 

"He died in plague." 
"And the other one?" 
"He died of cholera." 

"So you want that Kartar Singh should be lying on his bed for months suffering with some sickness and die! Is this death not thousand times better than that?" His grandfather was speechless.Today, again the question arises. What good did his sacrifice do? For what did he give his life? The answer to that is very clear. He died for the country. His ideal was simple to die fighting in the service of his nation. He wanted nothing more. He wanted to remain unknown even in his death. The case lasted for a year and a half. On November 16, 1915 he was hanged. That day too he was happy as always. His weight too increased. He embraced the hanging rope with the words, "Victory to Mother India."

(Originally published in GADAR, a Newsletter of the Gadar Memorial Center, 5 Wood Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 November/December 1992. This article is translated from Punjabi originally written by Bhagat Singh for his idol Kartar Singh Sarabha who began his involvement in the Gadar Party in San Francisco in 1912. Bhagat Singh was one of the many who were inspired by Kartar Singh’s dedication to the cause of freedom and justice.)

                                Poetry by Kartar Singh Sarabh


jo koi pooche ke kaun ho tum
to kah do baaghi hai naam apna
zulm mitaana hamaara pesha
ghadar ka karna hai kaam apna
namaaz-sandhya yahi hamaari
paath pooja bhi sach yahi hai
dharam karam sach yahi hai yaaro
vahi khuda bhi o ram apna


if they ask you who you are
tell them that your name is Rebel
that your occupation is to wipe out tyranny
that your work is to create ghadar (tumult)
that this is your namaaz and your sandhya
that this is the way you worship
that this is your only true religion
that this is your khuda, that this is your Ram

hai un guloñkijo hum sajaaye
hai un diyoñkijo hum jalaaye
chalo re humdum, chalo re saathi
quboolkar lo salaam apna
qadammilaao, qadambadhaao
haiñhumsafarikdagarke hum-tum
badhegazulm-o sitam to dekho
ye mitkehojaayegafanaaur
to aisekephirnadhulsakega
chalo re humdum, chalo re saathi
badhoaurapne hi haath se tum
uthaaopeelo ye jaamapna
nahaathjodo, nasarjhukaao
najaanbecho, na rob khaao
yahirasamhai, ye reetapni
kehaareñzaalim, hojeetapni
chalo re humdum, chalo re saathi
“Jo koi poochekekaunho tum
To kah do baaghihainaamapna”


The fragrance of your breath
comes from the roses we nurtured
The sparkle in your eyes
is a reflection of the lamps we lit
Come with us dear friends, dear comrades
accept our salutations
join us, march in step with us
we are companions on the same path
pay attention to our radical message:

When oppression and tyranny raise their head
They are wiped out of existence
But when the blood of the innocent spills
It congeals, and will not be washed away

Come with us dear friends, dear comrades
reach out with your hands
and raise our goblet to your lips
never fold your hands, never bow your head
never sell your lives, never be intimidated
hear the roar of the uprisings
heed the burning in our veins
listen to the pounding of our hearts
And understand that this is our only tradition:

The tyrants lose, and we win

Come with us dear friends, dear comrades
Come, let us nurture roses in these flames
Come, let us together create ghadar
Creating ghadar is our responsibility
“If they ask you who you are
Tell them that your name is Rebel”


                                                                      By Sarvsureshth Dhammi

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